09.01.2025 : Ms Constance Jehu, the great-granddaughter of Major J.L.R. Weir, paid a courtesy visit to the Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim at the Raj Bhavan today. (In English & Hindi)
Ms Constance Jehu, the great-granddaughter of Major J.L.R. Weir, a former British Political Officer of the erstwhile Kingdom of Sikkim, paid a courtesy visit to the Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim, Shri Om Prakash Mathur, at the Raj Bhavan today.
During her visit, Ms. Jehu shared her family’s historical connection to Sikkim through Major Weir, who served as the British Political Officer from 1928 to 1933. Major Weir resided in the then Residency, which is now the present-day Raj Bhavan.
Ms. Jehu also expressed her admiration upon visiting the residence where her ancestors once lived and constructed nearly a century ago. She conveyed her profound appreciation for the fact that, despite the passage of time, the building remains in excellent condition. Ms. Jehu extended her gratitude to the Raj Bhavan administration for its exemplary upkeep of the property.
आज राजभवन में सिक्किम के माननीय राज्यपाल श्री ओम प्रकाश माथुर से 1928-1933 तक सिक्किम में अंग्रेज राजनयिक अधिकारी रहे मेजर जे.एल.आर. वियर की प्रपौत्री सुश्री कॉन्स्टेंस जेहू ने शिष्टाचार भेंट की । सुश्री जेहू इंगलैण्ड से आयी हैं और भारत दौरे पर हैं ।
बातचीत के दौरान कॉन्स्टेंस जेहू ने कहा की लगभग १०० वर्ष पूर्व उनके पूर्वज का जो निवास था उसे देखकर अभिभूत हूँ। उन्होंने कहा कि इतने वर्ष बाद भी वो भवन अभी भी इतने अच्छे हालात में हैं। उन्होंने राजभवन प्रशासन को उचित रखरखाव के लिये धन्यवाद दिया ।